How do I add/edit a tender

Once you have subscribed to our Core or Premium plans you have full access to add your own tenders.

Core Plan - Under the Core Plan, you have the ability to publish up to 2 current or future tenders at any given time. However, you can add as many draft tenders as needed to your account.

Premium Plan - Under the Premium Plan, you have the ability to publish up to 5 current or future tenders at any given time. However, you can add as many draft tenders as needed to your account.

Step 1: Login to you account

  • Select KB Login Icon from the top right corner of the home page
  • From the account menu select My Tenders

account menu

Step 2: Add the tender

  • Click on Add Tender
KB - Add tender button
If this is the first time you are adding a tender you will be prompted to add your Organisation details so we can create an Issuer for your tender.
  • Complete the Issuer section

KB - Add an Issuer

  • Click on Continue
  • Complete the Tender Info section

KB - Add tender info section

  • Complete the Publishing Details section

KB - Add Tender publish section
Tender visibility is determined by a combination of the publish date, status and visibility properties so please carefully read the descriptions below to ensure accuracy.

    • Publish date

      • The publish date is the day you want the tender to be published on our website. However, you also need to ensure the visibility is set to your preference so that website visitors can see your tender.

      • The publish date defaults to "today," but you can change it so that the tender is only published in the future. 

    • Visibility 
      • Draft - Regardless of the publish date this tender is not visible to anybody visiting our website
      • Suppliers - Once published (see publish date) only subscribers of our service will be able to see all the tender details and download documents 
      • Public - Once published (see publish date) all visitors to our website will be able to see all tender details and download documents. This is the default unless you click on save draft in which case it will automatically change to Draft
    • Status
      • Current - the tender is open for responses
      • Closed - the tender is closed for responses.  (note our tenders the tender status will be automatically set to closed on the closing date by 4pm AWST). If you want to close the tender earlier than this time, you will need to do this manually on the day at the required time
      • Awarded - If you change your tender status to awarded please complete the awarded tenders section

KB - add tender awarded info

      • Future - The tender will be released in the future, complete the expected release date to advise when the tender will be released to the market for responses
      • Withdrawn - If your tender was previously current but is now being removed from the market, you can select this status. Please provide a reason for the withdrawal in the description so that anyone watching this tender will be informed.
  • Click on Save as Draft if the tender is not quite completed and you need to come back later to make amendments. The tender is not visible to our website visitors
  • Clicking on Create will set the tender to publish on our website on the publish date. Ensure you have selected the correct visibility.

Step 3: Edit the tender

  • Click on the tender title from the My Tenders home page, and it will open in edit format, alternatively 
  • Click on the ellipses next to the tender
  • Select Edit Tender

KB - Add Tender - Edit Tender

  • Click on Update to save your changes.

Step 4: View the tender

If you want to see what your tender will look like once published,

  • Click on the ellipses next to the tender
  • Select View Tender

KB - Add Tender - View tender

Step 5: Copy a tender

  • Click on the ellipses next to the tender

KB - Add Tender - Copy Tender-1

  • Select Copy Tender
    • Edit the tender accordingly ensuring to update all relevant fields
  • Click on Save as draft if you are not ready to publish just yet
  • Click on Create if you are read to publish

Step 6: Delete a tender

You can only delete draft tenders. 

  • Click on the ellipses next to the tender
  • Select Delete Tender

KB - Add Tender - Delete tender

If a tender is scheduled to be published in the future or has already been published (e.g., status is current/closed), then it cannot be deleted. If you want to remove a current tender, you can either change the tender status to "withdrawn" or contact us to hide its visibility. However, it is preferable to change the status to "withdrawn," as this will allow suppliers to view the tender but see that it has been withdrawn.

Please note that documents for withdrawn and closed tenders are no longer available for Suppliers to download.

Need a little help?

Just email us at or call our friendly Australian support team on 1800 934 117.