How to turn your alerts on/off

There might be times when you don’t want to be notified of tenders by email. You can keep your tender alerts set up but switch them off, so they do not generate tender alert notification emails.

Step 1: Amend alert

  • Select KB login icon from the top right corner of the home page

Main Menu Bar

  • Select ALERTS from the main menu at the top of the page
  • Click on the Edit KB edit Icon icon next to the alert you would like to change
KB - Alert
  • By default, the alert is set to send separate current and awarded alert emails. If you want to stop alerts, remove the ticks next to current and/or awarded.
  • Click on UPDATE to save the changes

Awarded and current switched ON

KB alerts both on

Awarded and current switched OFF

KB alerts both off

Current switched ON, awarded switched OFF
KB alerts awarded off
  • You can also delete your alert from this page by clicking on the delete button 

Please Note

Alert emails are considered transactional emails and not marketing emails because you are paying for the service to receive the email. Therefore unsubscribing from marketing emails will NOT stop alert emails from being sent. Switch off your alerts to stop the alert emails.

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