There are a number of email addresses within your account. This document explains what they are used for and how you can change them.
Email Addresses
- Account Email - This is used to login into the system
- Alert Email - This is the email address where all alerts are sent and is the same as the account email
- Billing Email - This is the email where all invoices and receipts are sent
When you register with us, the email address you enter automatically becomes your account email/ alert email and billing email.
At any time, you can log in to your account and change your emails.
Step 1: Change account email/username
- Click on ACCOUNT
- Select YOUR PROFILE from the dropdown menu
- Click on the Pencil Edit Icon
- Edit the Email Address
Step 2: Change the billing email
- Click on ACCOUNT
- Select SUBSCRIPTION from the dropdown menu
- Click on Update information in the BILLING INFORMATION section
- Update email
- Click on Save
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