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  2. Subscription Plans

Why choose Australian Tenders?

Australian Tenders is the fast, easy and cost-effective way to find Australian tenders relevant to your business.

We make sure you know about every tender opportunity, from every industry, everywhere across Australia & New Zealand.A

Save your time, effort and money searching thousands of sites across the web. We monitor tenders from every industry, both private and public.

Create tender alerts with granular detail, with a choice of over 600 categories, unlimited keywords and over 70 regions.

We support our customers through their tendering journey with a free portal of resources, and account managers who are always here to help. 

To help inform your decision on what tender notification service is right for you, check out our plan comparison guide which outlines the prices and various features included in each subscription on the market.


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Detailed tender information

Know who issued the tender, the location, closing date and the full tender description. We link you directly to the tender portal where the opportunity was initially advertised, so you don’t have to go hunting for it.


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Tender alerts

We notify you when tender opportunities get released in your industry. Your account manager will work with you to find the right filters and ensure you never miss an open tender.


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Keep track of tenders you are interested in with our tender watchlist feature. We will let you know if any details of the opportunity change through our email notifications.


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Account manager

You’ll get an account manager that is there to support you through the tender search process. They can help you set up tender alerts, direct you to helpful tender writers, and ensure you’re getting the most out of your subscription.


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We have tons of resources to help you not only find tenders but win them too. We have training programs to teach you the ropes and templates for the tender response process. Plus, our newsletter and blog keep you up to date on all things procurement!


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Awarded tenders

Know who is winning tenders in your industry, what value and date the tender was awarded. This information can help you understand your competitors, know when contracts are up for tender again, and how you need to price to win!


Add Tender icon

Add tenders

With our Core and Premium subscription plans, you gain effortless access to showcasing your own tenders to the market.

Need a little help?

Just email us at support@australiantenders.com.au or call our friendly Australian support team on 1800 934 117.