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Business responds to COVID-19 through tender

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As we become accustomed to the new normal that is life in a pandemic, we take a look at how the world of tendering has changed and responded during these early days of COVID-19.

Business responds to COVID-19 through tender

Australian businesses have been quick to respond to calls to action from state and federal governments with pivoting to providing essential PPE (personal protective equipment) and other goods and services designed to help in the areas of health and economic stability.

Some 3D printing businesses are now making parts for ventilators and other hospital equipment, and Australian high fashion label Scanlan and Theodore is one of many clothing manufacturers who have announced they will be making hospital gowns and masks.

The range of industries looking to adjust to this new era is broad. As well as cleaning, mental health, and supply of COVID-19 related goods and services, some governments have stepped up plans for infrastructure development.

In NSW the Premier announced on 28 April announced the first 24 projects to undergo a fast-tracked assessment process as part of the NSW Government’s new Planning System Acceleration Program. This will potentially inject $7.54 billion into the state’s economy.

In WA, Premier Mark McGowan has announced 11 road and bridge projects that will be accelerated by several months. This includes speeding up the procurement process to stimulate the economy. Projects include the Fremantle Traffic Bridge and the Bunbury Outer Ring Road.

Tenders across the board are down in numbers from the same time last year, however, there has been an increase in some areas in response to the crisis. New subscribers include those who are pivoting to areas of service or production that is outside their normal realm. This is due to a combination of financial necessity and needing to fill emerging gaps in the market such as delivering meals and providing medical and cleaning equipment.

The support team at Australian Tenders has also reported that tender closing dates have largely been pushed out to longer times as the commencement of some projects gets delayed. As well some tenders have been brought forward in an attempt to stimulate the suffering economy. Following the announcements of fast-tracking in April, the biggest upswing has been seen in road maintenance and construction, as well as manufacture and supply of PPE. In early April, the government issued a request for companies that might be able to provide PPE to respond to a request for information on their tender page. The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources sought information on domestic production capabilities relevant to a range of medical PPE, including gowns, gloves, goggles, hand sanitisers, clinical waste bags and ties, and thermometers.

Current tenders for services and equipment relating to COVID-19 have been issued from governments and councils across Australia and include not only supply of equipment, but services such as the preparation of a public open space strategy (Bunbury, WA), syndicated IT strategies and partnerships, centre upgrades, cleaning and deep cleaning tenders, ethanol manufacturing, aged care support program, airline relief package, and home support programs.

If you have any questions, our support staff are here to help at Australian Tenders.  More information for businesses can be found at the Australian Government websites below and the situation is constantly evolving.

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