Safeguarding Data Privacy
4 mins read

Safeguarding Data Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are purely informative and do not constitute legal or professional advice. Consultation with legal and data privacy professionals is recommended for organisations seeking to implement comprehensive data privacy measures.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the rapidly evolving landscape of the tender industry. Cutting-edge technologies, like ChatGPT and Bard, offer unprecedented speed and efficiency in generating quick responses. However, with great power comes great responsibility. And safeguarding data privacy sits right at the top.

In this blog, we answer all your queries about data privacy and control when it comes to publicly available AI technology, provide insight into how to be more responsible when using these tools and explain how to ensure your organisation’s sensitive information is not thrown into the exposed body of online content.

Are you interested to learn about an innovative and secure AI-driven software for tendering? take this quick one-minute survey to help us address your concerns around data privacy. 
(Please note this survey has been prepared by Tender Relief and the data collected is subject to their privacy policy)

The rise of AI in tendering

AI is gaining significant traction in the tendering space, revolutionising the way organisations respond to requests for bids and proposals. Bid and tender professionals can leverage AI to tap into unmatched automation and intelligent assistance. Generic, publicly available and typically free AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bard, SpinBot, YouChat, and Bing have taken centre stage, assisting bid teams in their research and writeup. These tools allow users to create better written responses within seconds, not hours. And that could mean weeks of time savings for bid teams!


Concerns surrounding data privacy

While the benefits of using AI-powered tools are undeniable, it is crucial to address the legitimate concerns regarding access to data. When using freely accessible AI tools like ChatGPT, the issue of storing and querying sensitive information arises. These tools rely on vast amounts of data and user queries to train their machine learning models – commonly known as Large Language Models (LLMs) that use AI techniques to understand and generate human language patterns and styles of written content.

What does this mean for you as a user? Simply put, anything you type into that software will not be kept private. Once you’ve input a query, the contents of the query are accessible by anyone on the internet. And that’s not ideal. Your query becomes part of the content that sits within the repository of data stored within the tool, and that means its public property.

The storage of user queries raises concerns regarding how the data is handled, who can access it, and the potential risks associated with data breaches. For example, you as an employee might be tasked with putting together a formal document that holds confidential information about the company. If you end up using ChatGPT to summarise the contents of the document by copying its text into a prompt, you’ve just reached the point of no return. Your data is now a part of the internet’s bottomless pit, and this could hold you accountable for a breach of confidentiality in the workplace. (Of course, you wouldn’t want that to happen!)


Protecting users' sensitive information through secure AI and collaborative solutions

The good news is that there are ways to use AI without releasing your company’s sensitive information to the rest of the world. Specialised AI technology can be used to address the concerns associated with publicly available tools. These platforms use AI algorithms deployed in secure cloud environments, enabling users to receive complete and compliant draft responses in real-time.

Secure AI tools ensure that user data is anonymised and encrypted, strictly limiting access to only authorised personnel. This allows for more stringent control over data storage as such tools constantly monitor and update security protocols to safeguard against potential threats.


How to identify secure AI technology

Platforms that aim to protect user data typically build trust through transparency. By openly communicating data policies and practices, these tools reassure users that all information is handled with care. Audits and assessments allow for compliance with global data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, and go beyond legal requirements to provide users with peace of mind.

Addressing data privacy concerns requires collaboration between AI providers, industry professionals, and regulatory bodies. AI tool developers are expected to actively incorporate privacy-focused features into their platforms. Additionally, industry associations and governing bodies can establish guidelines and best practices that promote responsible data usage within the tendering ecosystem.


Are you interested to learn about an innovative and secure AI-driven software for tendering? Take this quick one-minute survey to help us address your concerns around data privacy.
(This survey has been prepared by Tender Relief and the data collected is subject to their privacy policy)


Potential solutions to mitigate risks to data privacy

Exercise caution when using freely accessible AI tools. Here are a few key considerations to ensure your data stays private and out of harm’s way.

  • Mindful querying: Be mindful of the information you input into these tools. Avoid sharing any sensitive, personally identifiable, or confidential data. Stick to generic queries and refrain from providing specific details that could compromise data security.


  • Read privacy policies: Familiarise yourself with the privacy policies of the tools you are using. Understand how your data is collected, stored, and used. Look for tools that prioritise data anonymity, encryption, and user consent. If a tool lacks clear data protection measures, consider other low-risk alternatives.


  • Limit exposure: Consider limiting the exposure of your data. Explore using tools that offer local processing capabilities, ensuring that your data remains within your own infrastructure. This reduces the possibility of your information being accessed or stored by others.


  • Explore secure alternatives: Look for tools that deploy robust security measures and AI algorithms in secure cloud environments. These alternatives anonymise and encrypt user data and ensure restricted access. Choosing reputable platforms with a strong track record in data privacy can offer peace of mind, particularly for bidding teams who handle large amounts of confidential information.


As AI continues to shape the way we approach bids and tenders, it is crucial to strike a balance between harnessing its power and ensuring data security. By embracing technologies that offer collaborative and encrypted solutions, bid teams can derive the benefits of AI while avoiding the risks associated with widely accessible or free AI tools.

Adhering to strict data privacy practices, fostering transparency, and collaborating with key stakeholders will pave the way for an ethically sound and secure AI-driven future in the bids and proposals industry. Remember, data privacy is a shared responsibility. By being mindful of the data you input, understanding privacy policies, limiting exposure, and exploring secure alternatives, you can protect your data while using AI to improve and elevate your tender responses.


For more information on what role Artificial Intelligence will take in the tendering landscape, check out our blog 'AI-Driven Tender Responses: The Future of Procurement' below.

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