Why Tender? Benefits of Tendering in 2021
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Why Tender? Benefits of Tendering in 2021?

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blog hero - Why Tender? Benefits of Tendering in 2021Are you thinking about a new business venture? Stumbled across the word “tendering” recently and wondered how it will help your business grow? Maybe you’re a tender veteran and wondering whether you should continue throughout 2021.If any of the above sounds like you, we recommend you check out our top 10 benefits for tendering this year. 2021 is a great time to get started on your procurement journey, and Australian Tenders is here to help your business grow.

Top 10 Benefits of Tendering
1. The procurement market is worth $30 billion.
Between the private and public sector, there’s a lot of work out there for you, and you could gain a lot by responding to these opportunities.

2. Make your name stand out!
Tendering for work allows you to gain experience. Winning a tender opens the door for more opportunities, and suddenly, your business is well known in the marketplace.
3. Gain recognition nationally
Gain recognition nationally through winning contracts from the government, councils, or even private companies. Like the above, completing one contract alone can gain you more long term contracts, and buyers could pass your name through the marketplace for future work.
4. Transform and grow your business.
Having knowledge and skills in the tendering process is essential for any business owner to transform and grow their business. It requires constant evaluation and innovation and provides business owners with opportunities to improve their sales pitch, project solutions and resource prioritisation.
5. Ongoing revenue and long-term stability
Most government contracts can extend for up to 2 to 5 years or more, meaning ongoing revenue and long-term stability for your business, instead of worrying about when the next project will come through.

6. Suitable for all types of organisations
The 2021 budget brings exciting news for small to medium businesses. $2.6 million has been allocated to improve SME success rate in procurement. More than ever, the tender market is suitable for all types of organisations, large and small.

7. Resources
There are so many companies out there that can help you on your tendering journey. We cut out a portion of the work for you and deliver you new opportunities to your inbox daily (and we do it for the best price in the country).

8. You are getting jobs on a series of very official criteria
There is no nepotism, no favouritism; if you’re the best for the job, you’ll get the work. If you don’t get the job, this is an excellent way to evaluate what needs to be improved or perhaps re-evaluate the type of work you need to be responding to.

9. Easier for you and your business
Tendering is not new, but the internet has made this process a whole lot easier for you and your business. Moving the tendering process to the web has opened the process up to everyone, but you’re still engaging in a process that has been tried, tested, and trusted for decades.

10. Plain and simple
Plain and simple, tendering is just another way for you to get work. More jobs, more business growth, more revenue - that’s business.

It’s important to note the benefits tendering can bring to your working life. Tendering for work allows you to get ahead of your competition, build your skill base and keep your business growing.

We know tendering can be overwhelming; that’s why I created Australian Tenders to make it easier for you. Not only do we notify you of opportunities, but we provide resources that make sure your business will succeed. Between our Introduction to Tendering eBook and our friendly and knowledgeable support team, we know we’ll be able to help you find and win tenders.

Convinced? Start searching our database to see just how many opportunities there are in your industry. Need help finding the tenders? Contact us on 1800 934 117 or by email at support@australiantenders.com.au.


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